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Spring Cleaning

We’re big fans of this energy saving tip

Does your ceiling fan sit dormant all winter getting dusty? If so, clean it using ROYALE® Tiger Towel® and save on your energy bills by switching the direction when the season changes and lowering your winter heating costs.

What You’ll Need:

  • ROYALE® Tiger Towel® paper towel

  • Surface Cleaner


  1. Go over each blade with surface cleaner and ROYALE® Tiger Towel® paper towel to wipe away any dust and residue.

  2. Turn on the fan to verify which direction the blades are spinning.

  3. If the fan blade is angled up on the same side that the fan is spinning it is in summer mode. / ➡️

  4. If the fan blade is angled down in the direction that the fan is spinning it is in winter mode. / ⬅️ 

  5. If the blades are on their winter setting, look for either a switch or a directional change cord to switch them to the summer setting.

Easy cleanup and energy savings, this tip has it all! How does the direction change work? In winter mode the fan spins slowly pulling cool air up and disperses the warm air from the ceiling around the room without creating a draft.

Already spinning in the right direction? Check out more ROYALE® Home Solutions below.

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