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2-step (practically free) firestarter

With two common household items that you’d normally just throw away, you can create a simple firestarter perfect for camping trips!

What you’ll need:

  • Cardboard rolls from ROYALE® bathroom tissue

  • Dryer lint


  1. Stuff each roll with dryer lint.

  2. Toss a roll into the fire pit, underneath several pieces of wood (and newspaper, if you have it). Carefully light it and stoke the fire gently until it catches.

Not only are you re-purposing items that would be otherwise destined for the landfill, but these firestarters are essentially weightless, so you can avoid lugging around extra gear. To keep them dry, store them in a re-sealable plastic bag so they are good to go when you are.


Did you know?

ROYALE® Tiger Towel® paper towel is compostable! Find out how you can use it in your garden.

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